Joe Dangelo

Joe D’Angelo

Senior Vice President of Broadcast Radio and Digital Audio

Joe D’Angelo is the senior vice president of broadcast radio and digital audio for Xperi. Based in Columbia, Maryland, he is responsible for the global broadcast radio business and product development. 

Joe joined Xperi in 2015, by way of acquisition, as one of the founders of iBiquity Digital Corporation, the company behind HD Radio technology. Joe manages resources around the world committed to ensuring broadcast radio has a rich and vibrant offering in today’s digital broadcast and connected world. 

Company Updates
5월 29, 2024

DTS Artist Impact Report: How Jelly Roll...

New data from DTS AutoStage and TiVo tracks rap artist Jelly Roll’s crossover to country and beyond. At NAB this Spring, we released our Top...
1월 11, 2024

In-Dash Gaming: A New Opportunity for Broadcasters

In-vehicle communications have come a long way in the 123+ years since Guglielmo Marconi attached a twenty-five foot high cylinder aerial to a steam lorry to...
10월 23, 2023

Telling the Story of Your Radio Station:...

A year ago, at NAB New York 2022, I shared the beta of our new DTS AutoStage Broadcaster Portal, guessing that it might just resonate...
6월 15, 2023

Is AM Radio Dying? Not Any Time...

Try Googling “Is AM radio dead?” and you will find a bounty of recent articles with dramatic headlines predicting the demise of AM radio in...